
in Practical Welding Today

Twelve years ago Frank Marlow, a retired registered professional engineer and current president of Metal Arts Press, Huntington Beach, Calif., was looking for a book that did more than just rehash welding theory.

in Make Magazine

As a custom luthier I'm frequently called upon to fabricate metal parts for nonstandard guitars and other stringed instruments. I'm primarily a woodworker, but my sputter box and brazing torch don't gather a lot of dust.

in Machinists Workshop

I wasn't successful the first time I made an attempt at welding, mainly due to the fact that I was simply handed the equipment and told to see what I could do.

in Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading
Welding Know-How: The Tips and Techniques of Master Welders, by Frank Marlow, contains years of welding knowledge all in one easy-to-understand book. Filled with insights you won't find anywhere e1se, Welding Know-How has step-by-step instructions for dozens of projects, plans for welding jigs and fixtures, and ideas to modify existing tools so they really work.
in Cutting Tool Engineering

Screw threads were used in the time of Plato, about 500 B.C., in grape and olive presses. About 100 years later, Archimedes was credited with inventing a water pump based on the screw to irrigate crops and remove water from ship bilges. Later, the Romans used this pump to dewater mines.

in Cutting Tool Engineering
The lathe is the oldest and most basic machine tool. Lathes work by holding and rotating a workpiece while a tool, whose position is controlled by the lathe, is held against the work. Lathes can cut solid and hollow cylinders and cones. Presented here are a lathe's primary components.
in Houses
Now that my husband and I have survided drywal refinishing, we know why people went crazy in the Dust Bowl. Our project seemed so simple: Scrape the lumpy-textured stuff off the accoustical ceiling in our living room,
in Fine Home Building
My husband is an addict. His drug of choice: tools. Yes, I'm married to a tool junkie, and no amount of interventions will reform him. When he sees a new tool catalog, his eyes glaze over and his hands shake, a condition that lasts until UPS delivers his latest fix. Each new tool charges him, re-energizes his system like the purest smack.
in Fine Home Building
Never one to underutilize my handy husband, I told him I'd like an electrical outlet beside the fireplace so that at Christmas, I could put a string of twinkling lights on the mantel.
in Houses
This story is true. The names have been changed because I want to remain married. There aren't too many running arguments in our house aside from the usual "It's your turn to clean the cat box", but my husband and I can not agree on this one thing.