Twelve years ago Frank Marlow, a retired registered professional engineer and current president of Metal Arts Press, Huntington Beach, Calif., was looking for a book that did more than just rehash welding theory.
As a custom luthier I'm frequently called upon to fabricate metal parts for nonstandard guitars and other stringed instruments. I'm primarily a woodworker, but my sputter box and brazing torch don't gather a lot of dust.
I wasn't successful the first time I made an attempt at welding, mainly due to the fact that I was simply handed the equipment and told to see what I could do.
Screw threads were used in the time of Plato, about 500 B.C., in grape and olive presses. About 100 years later, Archimedes was credited with inventing a water pump based on the screw to irrigate crops and remove water from ship bilges. Later, the Romans used this pump to dewater mines.