A very helpful and refreshing approach for the new and intermediate machinist

This book is well written, beautifully illustrated and extremely helpful. Although not my profession, some machine shop work has been a serious hobby for me and I found Machine Shop Essentials to help fill in gaps in my knowledge resulting from a lack of formal training. This book should appeal to enthusiasts and beginning professionals alike. It was a breath of fresh air after having looked at either dated references with photographs of industrial machines or at home shop manuals with very limited information. Having done mostly lathework, I was most interested in learning more about milling and the book "asked" questions that I had in mind and "answered" them, including specific issues regarding the availability and proper use of various cutting bits. The coverage of both lathe and milling basics is far superior to that in three other manuals I purchased (unfortunately) before this one. The diagrams provide a lot of exquisite detail and really compliment the text.
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